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USB Cable
- Replacement USB3 cable: 3 feet long
- For use with USBCAM133, USBCAM152, USBCAM202
- 1/1.8-inch color CCD (USBCAM202)
- 1/2-inch color CCD (USBCAM152)
- 1/3-inch color CCD (USBCAM133)
- 1/1.8-inch color CCD (USBCAM202)
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Categories: Amplifier Accessories, Amplifiers, Analyzers, Instruments/Platform, Misc Cables
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Single Channel Pulse Generator
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ISO-NOPF Flexible Nitric Oxide Sensor
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ISO-NOPF electrodes are available in 100 µm, 200 µm and 500 µm diameters. Utilizing the latest advances in nano-technology and material science, scientists at WPI’s Sensor Laboratory have created these completely flexible and virtually unbreakable NO sensors. The new sensors are based on a composite graphite NO-sensing element combined with a reference electrode. The surface of the sens
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Digital Anesthesia System
E-Z Anesthesia® has taken the vaporizer to the next level. In an era of advancing technology, people have asked for the vaporizer to follow along with the digital trend. E-Z Anesthesia has taken the best of the both worlds and combined them into a very reliable, user-friendly, state-of-the-art system. The Digital Anesthesia System, AD-5000, enhances the always reliable TEC 3 vaporizer.