Showing 1465–1476 of 3443 results

Сatalog number: 11350TS

HLR-6 Swinging Bucket Rotor

Perform in-line leukofiltration with the Thermo Scientific™ HLR-6 Swinging Bucket Rotor. Adapters ranging from 250mL to 550mL provide capacity flexibility and the ability to accomodate a variety of blood bags varying in size. Optional microplate carriers accommodate 6 x 3 or standard and 6 x 1 deepwell microplates for greater versatility.
Сatalog number: 5062104100

HM100-Pro LCD digital Thermo Mix – 18900402

LCD digital Thermo Mix with heating, mixing,with 1pcs heating block for free  (Heating block, used for 1.5mL tubes, 24 holes(cone bottom)
Сatalog number: 126000000020

Hollow Ball Kit

The Hollow Ball Kit has been discontinued, and is no longer available.
Сatalog number: DB5000A

Homogenizer Laboratory Blender

Achieve powerful, reliable homogenization in your sample preparation with the Thermo Scientific™ Homogenizer Laboratory Blender. The Homogenizer delivers quiet, efficient blending from enrichment media in Thermo Scientific™ Dry-Bags™ or other formats.
Сatalog number: II-39

Hot Plate Analgesia Meter

Latency testing in rodents

To use the Hot Plate Analgesia meters, simply place the animals on a black anodized, aluminum plate (11 x 10.5 x 0.75”, 275 x 263 x 15 mm) and set the plate’s surface temperature to the desired set point (up to 75˚C). The plate maintains a consistent temperature throughout the test
Сatalog number: HPA2245MQ

Hot Plate, 38°C to 371°C, Aluminum

For constant temperature applications where requiring even heat (to 371°C)

Hotstart Micro 20 strip 0.2 ml 8-tube strips for 15-25 ul

Hotstart Micro 20 strip 0.2 ml 8-tube strips for 15-25 ul MPB $ 40.00 Suitable for 0.2mL thermal cycler blocks