Сatalog number: SYS-A362

A362 Battery Charger

Recharges the high-voltage nickel-cadmium or NiMH battery stack in the A320R, A365R and A395R. LED lamp indicates charging status. LED lamp indicates charging status. Full charge overnight.

Constant Current Stimulus Isolator

Activated by conventional logic-level commands, Model A365 can be gated by any pulse generator, stimulator or computer output with automated bipolar pulsing for zero net charge on biological preparations.

High Current Stimulus Isolator

The A385 is an optically isolated current source, which can generate up to 100 mA of unipolar or biphasic constant current pulses or DC. Pulse duration is controlled manually or by an external 5V command. Output current amplitude is determined by a 3-digit 10-turn potentiometer. Maximum output voltage between the stimulating electrodes is +36V.

Linear Stimulus Isolator

Model A395 generates a user-defined output current of wave shape; DC, AC, pulse and combinations. Battery operated, pho­to­elec­tri­cal­ly-isolated from the input voltage drive, the instrument regen­er­ates out­put currents which are linearly proportional to the analog voltage wave­forms pro­vid­ed by your D/A con­vert­er or sig­nal generator.

Single Channel Pulse Generator

The A310 pulse generator/stimulator combines the reproducibility and accuracy of digital electronics with the fine resolution and continuous adjustment pos­si­ble with analog circuitry. All timing pa­ram­e­ters are entered with high resolution, ten-turn po­ten­ti­om­e­ters and six-position range switches. Timing is ac­cu­rate to within 1% of the set value.