Constant Current Stimulus Isolator
Сatalog number:
Control 330 Digital Conductivity Meters
Controls and Calibrators
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COPAN FecalSwab™
Optimize specimen collection and preservation for enteric diagnostics with the COPAN FecalSwab™ System. An advanced liquid-based collection and preservation system for fecal specimens, COPAN FecalSwab™, is easy-to-use, allowing for sample collection from either rectal swabbing or direct from feces. Its versatility makes possible direct plating or aliquot transfer to selective enrichment broth. COPAN FecalSwab™ converts solid or semi-solid fecal specimens into a sample suitable for automatic specimen processors in space-saving, instrument-ready tubes. It is also suitable for PCR.
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Copper Ductwork Kit
Corbett Robotics 50ul Filtered Liquid Sensing Pre Sterilized Tips
Corbett Robotics 50ul Filtered Liquid Sensing Pre Sterilized Tips
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Corning Falcon 3 mL Transfer Pipet, Polyethylene, with Graduations, Nonsterile
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Countertop Finishes
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