Сatalog number: 118085

Flat Stainless Steel Bath Covers for Lindberg/Blue M™ Baths

Minimize heat loss and maintain bath temperature until ready for next application with Thermo Scientific™ Flat Stainless-Steel Covers.
Сatalog number: 627000000010

Fluid Filter Kit

Thermo Scientific™ Fluid Filter Kits are available with 5 to 40μm partial-flow filtration.
Сatalog number: 230000003

Gable Cover for VersaCool™ Refrigerated Circulating Bath

Utilize the gable cover to accommodate larger size beakers for optimal performance with the Thermo Scientific™ VersaCool™ Refrigerated Circulating Bath.
Сatalog number: 126000000051

GFCI Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter Accessory

Ensure extra electrical protection when a GFCI wall outlet is not available by using Thermo Scientific™ GFCI Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter accessory.
Сatalog number: C01C-6

Glass Thermometer for Lindberg/Blue M™ Shaking Circulating Water Baths

The Thermo Scienfic™ Glass Thermometer is for use with Thermo Scientific™ SWB1122 and RSWB3222 Lindberg/Blue M water baths.
Сatalog number: 3166220

Glass Thermometers for Precision™ Water Baths

Thermo Scientific™ Glass Thermometers are for use with Thermo Scientific™ Precision General-Purpose and Circulating Water Baths.
Сatalog number: 102391

Hand Pump and Drain Kit for Precision™ Water Baths

Drain your Thermo Scientific™ Precision™ water bath with a hand pump or drain kit.
Сatalog number: 126000000020

Hollow Ball Kit

The Hollow Ball Kit has been discontinued, and is no longer available.
Сatalog number: A1254302

Lab Armor™ Beads

Lab Armor™ Beads are small, non-uniform metal beads comprised of dry, metallic thermal alloy designed to replace water in a
Сatalog number: 230000006

Plumbing Adapter Kit for VersaCool™ Refrigerated Circulating Bath

Utilize the plumbing adapter kit to easily circulate the fluid from the bath to your application. Optimal performance with the Thermo Scientific™ VersaCool™ Refrigerated Circulating Bath.
Сatalog number: CTD-16032

Remote Controller Cable, which connects Neslab units to a computer, TC-400 Remote Box, or RPC Touchscreen Programmable Controller

Thermo Scientific™ Remote Controller Cables can be used to connect a Thermo Scientific bath equipped with an RS-232 or RS-485 interface port to a computer, TC-400 Remote Box or the new RPC Touchscreen Programmable Controller.
Сatalog number: CTD-16031

Remote Sensor, for RTE and EX Series bath circulators with a Digital Plus Controller, Merlin and HX Chillers, and ULT Series bath/circulators

Allow remote temperature control of an external vessel when circulating externally with Thermo Scientific™ Remote Sensors.