Сatalog number: 061206

Double Softening System WMS

Monitor total water processed using the electronic volume control featured in Thermo Scientific™ Double Softening System WMS. Once the limit is reached, the system will automatically regenerate. This is ideal when a continuous supply of softened water is required, such as for larger systems or clinical feed water systems. This ready-to-connect water softener is for softening feed water before feeding a reverse osmosis system. Water softening removes hard ions, such as calcium and magnesium, extending the life of the reverse osmosis membrane.
Сatalog number: 50157375

Point of Dispense Filters for Barnstead™ Point of Use Water Purification Systems

Reduce bacteria using the Thermo Scientific™ Barnstead™ Point of Use Water Purification Systems.
Сatalog number: 07.3900-EDI

Reverse Osmosis EDI Systems (600 – 1200L/hr)

A compact system with a stainless-steel frame that holds all components, Thermo Scientific™ Reverse Osmosis EDI features a microprocessor control for fully automatic control and monitoring of the system. Limiting value setting and quality rinse are standard.
Сatalog number: 50155482

Reverse Osmosis Systems RO 100-350 RDS

Produce product water that is less than 0.1µS/cm. Thermo Scientific™ Reverse Osmosis RO 100-350 RDS systems features an integrated ion exchanger, storage tank and pressure pump in a dust-proof cabinet. These systems are ideal supplier of high purity water for analyzers, as well as for general laboratory purposes according to international quality-standards like CLSI.  The quality of the high purity water supplied by reverse osmosis is not sufficient when a conductivity below 1μS/cm is required. For such cases, the combination of reverse osmosis with ion exchanger is necessary.
Сatalog number: 50157885

Water Purification System Wall Mounting Bracket

Conserve bench space by mounting your water purification system on the wall with the Thermo Scientific™ Water Purification System Wall Mounting Bracket. For use with Thermo Scientific™ Barnstead™ MicroPure™ or Smart2Pure™ ultrapure water purification systems.