Сatalog number: 503301

Extension Cable for DLS100 and UMP3

This 10' cable is designed for use with the DLS100 or the UMP3 systems.

Extension cable, 5 feet

Get a longer cord
Extend the reach of your equipment with the 5' extension cable. This item is commonly used with the WPI AirTherm ATC Heater or the WPI Duo773 Electrometer.
Сatalog number: 5375

Low-noise cable for Microelectrode Holder, A: BNC (male), B: jack

For wiring any laboratory setup This standard cable has a male BNC connector on one end and a 2mm gold
Сatalog number: 5374

Low-noise cable for Microelectrode Holder, A: BNC (male), B: pin

For wiring any laboratory setup This standard cable has a male BNC connector on one end and a 2mm gold
Сatalog number: 5373

Low-Noise Cable for Microelectrode Holder, A: pin/jack, B: pin/jack

Standard electrophysiology application cable
This cable has a pin/jack connector on both ends and is 2' (0.6m) long.