Showing 1–12 of 17 results

Сatalog number: AS4800

Allsheng AutoPure 4800

Auto-Pure 4800 Automated nucleic acid extraction system Magnetic bead-based automatic nucleic acid extraction system can extract 48 x 1ml samples
Сatalog number: AS96

Allsheng AutoPure 96

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Biomiga Viral RNA Extraction Kits are fully validated using Allsheng Autopure 96.

Express MgPure Viral RNA Purification Kit, prefilled

Simultaneously extract 96 samples in 25 minutes. prefilled plates, ready to add samples. Fully validated on Kingfisher Flex and Allsheng Autopure 96

IsoPURE Nucleic Acid Extractor

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Capable of processing up to 96 samples at one time, the instrument is easy to set up and program

MgPure Beads

Description: Aqueous dispersion of magnetic particles Application: Purification of DNA/RNA Weight of Volume: 50 mg/ml Core: Magnetite Matrix: Silica, no

Mgpure Viral RNA Purification Kit

Purpose: This procedure describes the extraction of viral RNA from virus infected specimen for real-time RT-PCR detection.Acceptable SpecimensRespiratory specimens including: nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal aspirates or washes, nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal swabs, broncheoalveolar lavage, tracheal aspirates, and sputum. o Swab specimens should be collected only on swabs with a synthetic tip with aluminum or plastic shafts. Swabs with calcium alginate or cotton tips with wooden shafts are not acceptable Serum, plasma, or other body fluid.

Mgpure Viral RNA Purification, pre-plated

The pre-filled format of Viral RNA extraction kit provides an easy and reliable method for simultaneously extracting total viral RNA from 96 samples in 25 minutes.Fully validated and automated on Allsheng auto pure 96 and Kingfisher plex, it can be adapted to major automation platforms such as Biomek FX, Biomek 3000, Hamilton Microlab STAR, Hamilton MagEx STARle and many others.

MgPure Viral RNA, pre-plated for AllSheng AutoPure 32

The Autopure 32 MgPureTM Viral RNA purification kit provides an easy and reliable method for isolating total viral RNA from

Nuclease-free Distilled Water

Nuclease-free Distilled water is prepared for use in all molecular biology applications. It is 0.2uM membrance-filtered without DNase, RNase, and
Сatalog number: QP1318-03

One Step qRT-PCR 2x Mix 12.5 mL

Easy-to-use two tube system: Enzyme Mix (50X) and Reaction Mix (2X) Broad range of RT reaction temperature (40-55oC) Broad dynamic range of detection Hot start PCR system Fully optimized RT-qPCR buffer and robustness High sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility Ideal for probe based COVID-19 viral RNA detection and quantitation