Сatalog number: QP1318-03

One Step qRT-PCR 2x Mix 12.5 mL

Easy-to-use two tube system: Enzyme Mix (50X) and Reaction Mix (2X) Broad range of RT reaction temperature (40-55oC) Broad dynamic range of detection Hot start PCR system Fully optimized RT-qPCR buffer and robustness High sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility Ideal for probe based COVID-19 viral RNA detection and quantitation

SARS-CoV-2 Real Time PCR Assay (2-gene)

Targeting RdRp, E and RNase P Intended Use: Available for research use only (RUO). Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

SC2 Real Time PCR Detection Kit (3-gene)

Targeting RdRp, N, E and RNase P Intended Use: Available for research use only (RUO). Not for use in diagnostic procedures.