Showing 49–60 of 90 results

Mgpure Viral RNA Purification, pre-plated

The pre-filled format of Viral RNA extraction kit provides an easy and reliable method for simultaneously extracting total viral RNA

MgPure Viral RNA, pre-plated for AllSheng AutoPure 32

The Autopure 32 MgPureTM Viral RNA purification kit provides an easy and reliable method for isolating total viral RNA from

MgPure Viral RNA, pre-plated for AllSheng AutoPure 32

The Autopure 32 MgPureTM Viral RNA purification kit provides an easy and reliable method for isolating total viral RNA from plasma,

Molecular Regeants

STI triplex Panel Detects 3 STD Pathogens   Neisseria gonorrhoeae Chlamydia trachomatis Trichomonas vaginalis STI 2 Panel Trichomonas vaginalis Ureaplasma

Monkeypox Virus Real Time PCR Detection Kit

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Detect MPXV specific gene and human RNase P (control)Intended Use: Available for research use only (RUO). Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Nail Fungal Real Time PCR Detection (RUO)

Detects 19 pathogens in 5 PCR reactions.Intended Use: Available for research use only (RUO). Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Nuclease-free Distilled Water

Nuclease-free Distilled water is prepared for use in all molecular biology applications. It is 0.2uM membrance-filtered without DNase, RNase, and
Сatalog number: QP1318-03

One Step qRT-PCR 2x Mix 12.5 mL

Easy-to-use two tube system: Enzyme Mix (50X) and Reaction Mix (2X) Broad range of RT reaction temperature (40-55oC) Broad dynamic range of detection Hot start PCR system Fully optimized RT-qPCR buffer and robustness High sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility Ideal for probe based COVID-19 viral RNA detection and quantitation

One-Step RT-PCR Kit

One-Step RT-PCR is designed for the reverse transcription (RT) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of a specific target RNA

Plasmid Maxi Kit

This kit provides an easy and reliable method to purify plasmid DNA from 150 to 250 mL bacterial cultures in less than 60 minutes. The DNA is ready for downstream applications such as transfection, RFLP, DNA amplification, and automated sequencing.