Inside the USA: for research use only(RUO) or LDT

1st cDNA Synthesis Kit

The system contains all the components needed for first-strand cDNA synthesis

2x qPCR Mix SBGR

The system enables highly sensitive detection from few copies of DNA template, with a broad dynamic range that supports accurate quantification of target sequences

2x qPCR Mix, SBGR, Low Rox

The system enables highly sensitive detection from few copies of DNA template, with a broad dynamic range that supports accurate quantification of target sequences.

2x qPCR Mix, SBGR, Rox

The system enables highly sensitive detection from few copies of DNA template, with a broad dynamic range that supports accurate quantification of target sequences.

DNA Size Selection Beads

The MgPure  Beads is design to selectively binding fragments based on the reagent-to-sample ratio used. User can flexibility perform left, right or double-sided

One-Step RT-PCR Kit

One-Step RT-PCR is designed for the reverse transcription (RT) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of a specific target RNA