Сatalog number: 400159

Sensors and Replacement Batteries for Thermo Scientific™ Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers

Use these Thermo Scientific™ Sensors and Replacement Batteries with our ultra-low temperature freezers.
Сatalog number: SK700

Shelf Kits for Thermo Scientific™ Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers

Maximize storage space with Thermo Scientific™ Shelf Kits for Thermo Scientific™ Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers; designed for use with with Thermo Scientific™ Forma™ 8800, HERAfreeze™ HFU-T, Revco™ UxF, and TSU Series freezers.
Сatalog number: 1950672P5

Sliding Drawer Inserts

Maximize storage space with Thermo Scientific™ Sliding Drawer Inserts, for use with racks used in Thermo Scientific™ 13, 17, 23 and 28 cu. ft. ultra-low temperature freezers.
Сatalog number: SSPERFORMANCE

Stainless Steel Interior Option for Thermo Scientific™ ULT Freezers

Choose a stainless steel, factory-installed interior option for your Thermo Scientific™ Revco™ ExF, Forma™ 900 Series, HERAfreeze™ HFU-B or TSE Series -86°C upright freezers.
Сatalog number: 6402TS

Surge Suppressor for Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers

Protect against voltage transients that can damage refrigeration or control components with the Thermo Scientific™ Surge Suppressor for Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers. An optional surge suppressor offers peace of mind for ultra-low freezer storage.
Сatalog number: 4000290

T-valve Assembly for LN

Connect two hoses to a LN
Сatalog number: TDE60040LDRK

TDE Series -40°C Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer Package with Racks and Boxes

Thermo Scientific™ TDE -40°C ultra-low temperature freezer packages include one ULT freezer and two shelves of sliding drawer racks and boxes.
Сatalog number: TDE60040LDRCR

TDE Series -40°C Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer Package with Racks, Boxes, and Chart Recorder

Thermo Scientific™ TDE -40°C ultra-low temperature freezer packages include one ULT freezer, two shelves of sliding drawer racks and boxes, and a factory-installed chart recorder.
Сatalog number: TDE60040LDRCO

TDE Series -40°C Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer Package with Racks, Boxes, and CO2 Back-up System

Thermo Scientific™ TDE -40°C ultra-low temperature freezer packages include one ULT freezer, two shelves of sliding drawer racks and boxes, and a factory-installed CO2 back-up system.
Сatalog number: TDE60040LDRLN

TDE Series -40°C Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer Package with Racks, Boxes, and LN2 Back-up System

Thermo Scientific™ TDE -40°C ultra-low temperature freezer packages include one ULT freezer, two shelves of sliding drawer racks and boxes, and a factory-installed LN2 back-up system.
Сatalog number: TDE60040LV

TDE Series -40°C Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers

Thermo Scientific™ TDE Series -40°C ultra-low temperature freezers, powered by H-drive, feature three upright models, maximizing storage capacity from 40,000 up to 60,000 2mL vials. The TDE Series is a sustainable and reliable solution with ultimate sample security and operational savings for every lab.