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Nunc™ Universal and Transport Containers with Caps
Safely store and transport blood, urine, fecal and other specimens using Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ Universal and Transport Containers with Caps. These containers are designed with inner and outer containers of high mechanical strength. Caps are designed to avoid droplets adhering to the surface, reducing risk of aerosols. Nunc Labware Products are made from high purity resins, and molded using our state-of-the-art processes. Plastic labware is a safer alternative to glass without sacrificing accuracy.
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Nunc™ Universal Latch Rack for Cryogenic Tubes
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Nunc™ Urine Sample Kits
Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ Urine Sample Kits. Nunc Labware Products are made from high purity resins and molded using our state-of-the-art processes. Kits are sterile and easy to use for collection and transportation of urine samples specifically for in vitro diagnostic for patients who need examination of their urine.
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Nunc™ Vertical Microplate Storage Racks
Store and transport samples in microplates, deep-well plates and cryobank racks safely and conveniently using Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ Vertical Microplate storage racks. These autoclavable aluminum racks are ideal for genome library storage, DNA and RNA libraries, storage of compounds for high throughput screening.
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Open-Top Screw Caps
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Orion™ AQUAfast 24mm Round Vials for Colorimeters and Spectrophotometers
Use Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ AQUAfast 24mm Round Vials with a variety of Orion™ colorimeters and spectrophotometers. The Orion™ AQUAfast 24mm Round Vials can be used with Orion™ AQUAfast colorimetric powder pack, tablet and liquid reagents to measure a variety of common water and wastewater parameters. Catalog number AC2V24 contains 12 x 24mm vials.
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Orion™ AQUAfast COD165 Thermoreactor
Conduct environmental and wastewater monitoring with the Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ AQUAfast COD165 Thermoreactor. The COD165 thermoreactor is equipped with an automatic voltage selector for voltages between 90 and 260 V with a frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. Select from five preset work temperatures of 100 °C, 120 °C, 150 °C, 160 °C and 165 °C and four preset run times of 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 120 minutes or continuous time. Simply place 16mm round sample tubes into the digestor wells, cover with the hinged safety shield, set the temperature and time and let samples digest.