Showing 1873–1884 of 2233 results

Сatalog number: 75016006

Sorvall ST1 R Plus-MD, 120V TX-400 Blood Tube Package

Waste no time finding the right part numbers for your application! The application driven centrifuge package ensures convenient, fast ordering of all components necessary to run a specific protocol. Exceptional capacity of 76 x 5 mL blood tubes under biocontainment certified lids. Contains centrifuge, TX-400 rotor, buckets, biocontainment lids, 5/7 mL blood tube adapters (maximum capacity 76 x 5/7 mL) , 10 mL blood tube adapter (maximum capacity 56 x 10 mL).
Сatalog number: 75017021

Sorvall ST1 R Plus-MD, 208-240V H-Flex Blood Tube Package

Waste no time finding the right part numbers for your application! The application driven centrifuge package ensures convenient, fast ordering of all components necessary to run a specific protocol. Run microplates for PCR and blood tubes for antibody testing used in COVID-19 diagnosis protocols, all in the same rotor without changing rotors or buckets. Contains centrifuge, H-Flex rotor, buckets, biocontainment lids, 5/7 mL blood tube adapter (maximum capacity 84 x 5/7 mL), 10 mL blood tube adapters (maximum capacity 66 x 10 mL) , microplate adapters (maximum capacity 10 standard, 2 deepwell).
Сatalog number: 75017088

Sorvall ST4 FR Plus-MD, 230V TX-1000 Blood Tube Package

Waste no time finding the right part numbers for your application! The application driven centrifuge package ensures convenient, fast ordering of all components necessary to run a specific protocol. Exceptional capacity to process 196 x 5 mL blood tubes in one run, under biocontainmenyt certified lids. Contains centrifuge, TX-1000 rotor, buckets, biocontainment lids, 5/7 mL blood tube adapter (maximum capacity 196 x5/7 mL), 10 mL blood tube adapter (maximum capacity 148 x 10 mL).
Сatalog number: 75016085

Sorvall ST4 Plus Centrifuge Series

The ST4/ST4R Plus series centrifuges come standard with an easy-to-use keypad and high contrast LCD display. This high-capacity and versatile unit offers consistent performance and is ideal for routine applications. Quickly and securely swap between 13 unique rotor options with the tool-less Auto-Lock rotor exchange. Available for purchase individually or in convenient application-based packages.
Сatalog number: 75017881

Sorvall ST4F Plus, 120V TX-1000 Tissue Culture Package

Waste no time finding the right part numbers for your application! The application driven centrifuge package ensures convenient, fast ordering of all components necessary to run a specific protocol. Exceptional capacity to process 40 x 50 mL conicals in one run, under biocontainment certified lids. Contains centrifuge, TX-1000 rotor, buckets, biocontainment lids, 50 mL conical adapters (maximum capacity 40 x 50 mL), 15 mL conical adapter (maximum capacity 96 x 15 mL).
Сatalog number: 75017585

Sorvall ST4F R Plus, 120V TX-1000 Cell Culture Package

Waste no time finding the right part numbers for your application! The application driven centrifuge package ensures convenient, fast ordering of all components necessary to run a specific protocol. Exceptional capacity to process 40 x 50 mL conicals in one run, under biocontainment certified lids. Contains centrifuge, TX-1000 rotor, buckets, biocontainment lids, 50 mL conical adapters (maximum capacity 40 x 50 mL), 15 mL conical adapter (maximum capacity 96 x 15 mL).
Сatalog number: 75009763

Sorvall X1 Pro Centrifuge Series

The X1/X1R PRO series centrifuges provide unmatched performance and versatility with an easy-to-use touch screen interface. Quickly and securely swap between 16 unique rotor options with the tool-less Auto-Lock rotor exchange.  This compact centrifuge has a capacity up to 1.6L and can spin up to 76 x 5/7 mL blood tubes and 16 x 50mL conical tubes with biocontainment.
Сatalog number: 75016028

Sorvall X1 Pro, 120-240V TX-400 Cell Culture Package

Waste no time finding the right part numbers for your application! The application driven centrifuge package ensures convenient, fast ordering of all components necessary to run a specific protocol. Run 16 x 50 mL conicals under biocontainment certified lids. Contains centrifuge, TX-400 rotor, buckets, biocontainment lids, 50 mL conical adapters (maximum capacity 16 x 50mL), 15 mL conical adapter (maximum capacity 36 x 15 mL).
Сatalog number: 75017029

Sorvall X1 R Pro 208-240V H-Flex Cell Culture Package

Waste no time finding the right part numbers for your application! The application driven centrifuge package insures convinient, fast ordering of all components necessary to run a specific protocol. Run 50 mL, 15 mL conical tubes as well as microplates without changing rotors or buckets. Contains centrifuge, H-Flex rotor, buckets, biocontainment lids, 50 mL conical adapters (maximum capacity 16x50 mL), 15 mL conical adapter, (maximum capacity 36 x 15 mL), microplate adapters (maximum capacity 10 standard, 2 deepwell).
Сatalog number: 75017012

Sorvall X1 R Pro, 120V H-Flex Cell Culture Package

Waste no time finding the right part numbers for your application! The application driven centrifuge package insures convinient, fast ordering of all components necessary to run a specific protocol. Run 50 mL, 15 mL conical tubes as well as microplates without changing rotors or buckets. Contains centrifuge, H-Flex rotor, buckets, biocontainment lids, 50 mL conical adapters (maximum capacity 16x50 mL), 15 mL conical adapter, (maximum capacity 36 x 15 mL), microplate adapters (maximum capacity 10 standard, 2 deepwell).
Сatalog number: 75016012

Sorvall X1 R Pro, 120V TX-400 Cell Culture Package

Waste no time finding the right part numbers for your application! The application driven centrifuge package ensures convenient, fast ordering of all components necessary to run a specific protocol. Run 16x50 mL conicals under biocontainment certified lids. Contains centrifuge, TX-400 rotor, buckets, biocontainment lids, 50 mL conical adapters (maximum capacity 16 x 50 mL), 15 mL conical adapter (maximum capacity 36 x 15 mL)
Сatalog number: 75016084

Sorvall X4 Pro Centrifuge Series

The X4/X4R PRO series centrifuges provide unmatched performance and versatility with an easy-to-use touch screen interface. Quickly and securely swap between 17 unique rotor options with the tool-less Auto-Lock rotor exchange. Available for purchase individually or in convenient application-based packages.