Showing 325–336 of 2233 results


ECG Monitoring System Features For each heartbeat, a wave of cardiac muscleĀ contraction pushes blood through the heart.Ā  Cardiac muscle cells
Š”atalog number: LTR0004

Cartridges for Multidropā„¢ Pico 1 & Pico 8 Digital Dispensers

Great choice for dispensing picoliter to microliter volumes for one to eight different types of fluid across an entire plate or just part of a plate.
Š”atalog number: R31925

Cary-Blair with Indicator Single Vial

Collect, preserve, and recover enteric bacterial pathogens in stool specimens with Thermo Scientficā„¢ Cary-Blair with Indicator Single Vial, part of a complete collection of quality fecal transports which come with industry standard color-coding and easy-to-use sporked caps.
Š”atalog number: A26732

Cassette Clamp Cam Handle Set

The Cassette Clamp Cam Handle Set is a retrofit part for the Boltā„¢ Mini Gel Tank to enable it to
Š”atalog number: A25945

Cassette Clamp, right

Cassette clamps are replacement parts for the Mini Gel Tank . They lock and seal the gel cassettes within the
Š”atalog number: 25566

Catalyst Express Accessories

Thermo Scientificā„¢ Catalyst Express accessories add on to PlateMate 2x3.
Š”atalog number: 4408256

Cathode Buffer Container (CBC), for 3500/SeqStudioā„¢ Flex

The cathode buffer container (CBC) contains 1X running buffer to support all electrophoresis applications on Applied Biosystems 3500 and SeqStudio
Š”atalog number: A35640

Cathode Buffer Container Reservoir Septa for SeqStudioā„¢ Genetic Analyzer

These are reservoir septa for the cathode buffer container of the SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer.
Š”atalog number: 4868TS

Cell Roller System

Allow production of monolayer cell cultures in standard roller culture vessels with these Cell Roller System Accessories for Thermo Scientificā„¢ Environmental Chambers and Incubators.
Š”atalog number: 75003892

CentriPAKā„¢ Accessory for Sorvall BIOS 16 Bioprocessing Centrifuge

Accessory for Thermo Scientificā„¢ CentriPAKā„¢ BioProcess Container (BPC). CentriPAK BPC is designed for use in Thermo Scientificā„¢ Sorvallā„¢ BIOS 16 Bioprocessing Centrifuge and 6 x 2000 mL or 8 x 2000 mL Swing Bucket Rotor.