Сatalog number: C4015-60

13mm Autosampler Vial Septa

For use with 13-425 threaded caps or 13mm Snap/Crimp Caps, Thermo Scientific™ 13mm Septa are available in PTFE/ Red Rubber, PTFE/Silicone or Red PTFE/White Silicone/Red PTFE to suit a variety of applications.
Сatalog number: C4013-61

8mm Autosampler Vial Septa

Thermo Scientific™ Septa for 8-425 Screw Thread Caps are constructed of PTFE, PTFE/rubber, or PTFE/silicone to suit a variety of HPLC, GC and IC applications. Choose from Thermo Scientific™, Thermo Scientific™ National™, and Thermo Scientific™ Chromacol™ brands.
Сatalog number: C4000-55

9mm Autosampler Vial Septa

Thermo Scientific™ 9mm Septa are available in PTFE/ Red Rubber, PTFE/Silicone or Red PTFE/White Silicone/Red PTFE to suit a variety of applications. Choose from Thermo Scientific™, Thermo Scientific™ National™, and Thermo Scientific™ Chromacol™ brands.
Сatalog number: 6A24ST26

SureSTART™ 22 mm Septa, Level 2 High-throughput Applications

Replace your worn-out septa with Thermo Scientific™ SureSTART™ 22 mm Septa (Level 2). Select Level 2 products for high-throughput applications, when robustness and reproducibility are key. Choose our all-purpose silicone/PTFE septa manufactured with a shore value of 50 to reduce autosampler needle issues.