Showing 1–12 of 18 results

Сatalog number: ACS-2

Chemical Preservative Glass Ampoules

Save the time and tedium associated with diluting and aliquoting chemicals for environmental sample preservation by using pre-mixed Thermo Scientific™ Chemical Preservative Glass Ampoules. Our pre-formulated and aliquoted glass ampoules are ready for field use. Just break the ampoule at the pre-scored neck area using the provided “breaker” tool, and pour into the designated sample bottle. Choose from our standard offering or let us custom-fill ampoules according to your personal analytical needs.
Сatalog number: T336-0040

Clear VOA Glass Vials with 0.060in. Septa

Optimized for automation, Thermo Scientific™ Clear VOA Vials with Septa Cap feature a thinner septum that is easier to puncture, and is permanently bonded to the cap to prevent unseating from the sealing surface when punctured during analysis. Available
Сatalog number: ST50-20A

Depyrogenated Sterile Empty Vials

Thermo Scientific™ Depyrogenated Sterile Empty Vials are offered in capacities ranging from 1 to 100mL. Certificate of Sterility & Pyrogen Test included with each lot. Sterile vials are Type I borosilicate, assembled with butyl stoppers and aluminum seals.
Сatalog number: GVB-100C

Economy Certified Glass VOA Vials with 0.125in. Septa

Septa vials with all the essentials and none of the frills. Thermo Scientific™ Economy Certified VOA Vials with 0.125″ Septa are designed for water sample collection for volatile organic analysis (VOA). You get our standard 40mL VOA vials, processed and
Сatalog number: T346-0040

I-Chem™ Amber VOA Glass Vials with 0.060in. Septa

Optimized for automation, Thermo Scientific™ Amber VOA Vials with Septa Cap feature a thinner septum that is easier to puncture, and is permanently bonded to the cap to prevent unseating from the sealing surface when punctured during analysis. Available
Сatalog number: C346-0020

I-Chem™ Amber VOA Glass Vials with Closed-Top Cap

Thermo Scientific™ Amber VOA Glass Vials with Closed-Top Cap are designed for EPA volatile organic analysis (VOA) when a pierceable septa closure is not needed. Available
Сatalog number: S336-0060

I-Chem™ and EP™ VOA Clear Glass Vials with 0.125 in. Septa

Thermo Scientific™ Clear VOA Vials with 0.125″ Septa are designed for water sample collection for volatile organic analysis (VOA). Available with septum permanently bonded to the cap or unbonded for easy replacement. Perfect shoulder angle enables effortless filling without air entrapment. Available
Сatalog number: SS336-0040

I-Chem™ Clear Clean Snap Vials with 0.125in. Septa

Protect samples from contamination during storage or transport with Thermo Scientific™ Clean Snap Clear Vials. An innovative snap-off cap reduces the chance of volatile organic contaminants in the environment from passing through the septum while also keeping the septum clean and free from foreign particles during handling. The clean snap cap easily peals or snaps away to provide access to the septum at the time of analysis.
Сatalog number: C336-0040

I-Chem™ Clear VOA Glass Vials with Closed-Top Cap

Thermo Scientific™ Clear VOA Vials with Closed Cap are designed for EPA volatile organic analysis (VOA). Closed-top vials for VOA sampling when a pierceable septa closure is not needed. Available
Сatalog number: TB36-0040

I-Chem™ Economy Processed VOA Glass Vials with Septa

Keep costs low while eliminating the need to wash vials in-house. Thermo Scientific™ Processed VOA Glass Vials with Septa feature no-frills packaging but the peace-of-mind you get with more costly certified vials. Septa vials are processed the same way as our certified VOA vial, but come without certification documentation. Bulk packed glass-to-glass in shrink-wrapped trays. No barcoding or other add-ons.
Сatalog number: 141-40ATS

Premium Pack Amber Glass Vials with 0.060in. Septa

Protect your most critical samples from collection to analysis. Thermo Scientific™ Premium Pack Amber Glass Vials with 0.060″ Septa feature protective packaging, and a thinner septum that is optimized for automation. Hard foam divider holds vials securely separated, each in their own individual cell for ultimate vial protection. Hard foam sectional design allows clusters of nine (9) vials to be separated from the pack for convenient handling. Each vial includes an assembled dust cover to prevent particulate accumulation and protect the injection surface prior to use.
Сatalog number: 141-40ACT

Premium Pack Amber Glass Vials with Closed-Top Cap, 20mL

Protect critical samples from collection to analysis. Special foam cell dividers holds vials securely separated, each in their own individual cell for ultimate vial protection. Hard foam sectional design allows clusters of nine (9) vials to be separated from the pack for convenient handling. Thermo Scientific™ Premium Pack Amber Glass Vials with Closed-Top Cap are