Showing 121–132 of 299 results

8.8 x 45mm Micro Titertube Natural with Frosted Writing Area

8.8 x 45mm Micro Titertube Natural with Frosted Writing Area Bio-Rad $57.00 Description: Micro Titertubes offer additional volume capacity for

80-well centrifuge tube rack

SCMR080 80-well centrifuge tube rack (1.5ml/2.0ml centrifuge tube on the front, 0.2ml PCR single tube on the back) 50 pcs/box

81-hole freezer box ABS

SCCRA81 81-hole freezer box ABS 50pcs/box Made of durable polypropylene. Fits into existing standard storage modules and provides space for

96-well centrifuge tube rack

SCMR096 96-well centrifuge tube rack (1.5ml/2.0ml centrifuge tube on the front, 0.5ml PCR single tube on the back) 50 pcs/box

96-Well PCR Plate Pre-Pak 0.2ml thin-wall without caps

96-Well PCR Plate Pre-Pak 0.2ml thin-wall, without caps Molecular Bio Products $47.00 Molded from 100% virgin polypropylene, PCR tubes feature thin walls

96*0.1ml PCR plate half skirt

SCPCRN-F96W 96*0.1ml PCR plate half skirt 150 plates/box 4.1 48×31×22 0.1ML 96WELLS PCR PLATE, SEMI-SKIRTED(TRANSPARENT) Made From virgin polypropylene. Compatibel

96*0.1ml PCR plate without skirt

SCPCRN-NH96W 96*0.1ml PCR plate without skirt 150 plates/box 4.1 48×31×22 0.1ML 96WELLS PCR PLATE, NON-SKIRTED(TRANSPARENT) Made From virgin polypropylene. Compatibel

96*0.1ml white PCR plate without skirt

SCPCRW-NH96W 96*0.1ml white PCR plate without skirt 150 plates/box 4.1 48×31×22 0.1ML 96WELLS PCR PLATE, NONE-SKIRTED(WHITE) Made From virgin polypropylene.

96*0.2ml transparent PCR plate half skirt

SCPCRN-FS96W 96*0.2ml transparent PCR plate half skirt 150 boards/box 4.1 48×31×29 0.2ML 96WELLS PCR PLATE, SEMI-SKIRTED(TRANSPARENT) Made From virgin polypropylene.

96*0.2ml transparent PCR plate without skirt

SCPCRN-NH96 96*0.2ml transparent PCR plate without skirt 150 boards/box 4.1 48×31×29 0.2ML 96WELLS PCR PLATE, NONE-SKIRTED(TRANSPARENT) Made From virgin polypropylene.

96*0.2ml white PCR plate half skirt

SCPCRN-FS96 96*0.2ml white PCR plate half skirt 150 boards/box 4.1 48×31×29 0.2ML 96WELLS PCR PLATE, SEMI-SKIRTED(WHITE) Made From virgin polypropylene.

96*0.2ml white PCR plate without skirt

SCPCRW-NH96 96*0.2ml white PCR plate without skirt 150 boards/box 4.1 48×31×29 0.2ML 96WELLS PCR PLATE, NONE-SKIRTED(WHITE) Made From virgin polypropylene.