Showing 1–12 of 81 results

50 TS Microplate Washer

BioTek’s 50 TS Microplate Washer is a compact microplate washing system with functionality that is unsurpassed in its class. The color touchscreen provides a visual interface with menu-driven programming that makes creating protocols fast and intuitive. Its performance for conventional ELISA plate washing is excellent, but the 50 TS offers much more. Its modularity makes it ideal for cellbased assay washing, biomagnetic separation and vacuum filtration processes. The 50 TS is an affordable choice for automating the wash steps of a variety of applications in clinical and research laboratories. Used in conjunction with the 800 TS Absorbance Reader or other detection system, the 50 TS offers a welcome upgrade from manual processing – bringing convenience and consistently high quality results to your laboratory’s plate washing workflows.

800 TS Microplate Reader

The 800 TS Absorbance Reader is an affordable, high quality microplate reader for assays in 6- to 384-well formats. The color touchscreen provides a visual user interface, making programming simple. The onboard software includes “quick read” and custom protocols, with data viewed immediately after measure, followed by export to USB or to the compact printer. The software stores a history of programmed assays and recent plate readings for instant recall. The 800 TS can be configured to include temperature control and shaking, ideal for assays like short- or long-term kinetics, enabled under computer control via Gen5 Software. The 800 TS, used alongside the 50 TS Washer, makes an affordable system to automate many application workflows, including immunoassays, cytotoxicity, enzyme assays, cell-based assays and more.

ABI 7500 Real time PCR Used Real time PCR

Why should I choose the Applied Biosystems 7500 Real-Time PCR System?
  • Real-time quantification results achieved in under two hours, with approximately 30 minutes of hands-on time
  • Instrumentation, software, and chemistry validated together to ensure reliable, robust results
  • The 7500 Real-Time PCR System is a versatile, leading-edge platform providing enhanced performance capabilities, including advanced optical configurations and variable excitation capacity
  • Applied Biosystems is the market leader in real-time PCR quantification technology world-wide

ABI 7500 Real time PCR Used Real time PCR

Why should I choose the Applied Biosystems 7500 Real-Time PCR System?
  • Real-time quantification results achieved in under two hours, with approximately 30 minutes of hands-on time
  • Instrumentation, software, and chemistry validated together to ensure reliable, robust results
  • The 7500 Real-Time PCR System is a versatile, leading-edge platform providing enhanced performance capabilities, including advanced optical configurations and variable excitation capacity
  • Applied Biosystems is the market leader in real-time PCR quantification technology world-wide
Сatalog number: AY1406X3

Accessories for the Barnstead™ TII Type 2 Water System

Integrate the accessories for the Thermo Scientific™ Barnstear™ TII Type 2 Water System such as distribution pumps and UV lamps with the system itself to create a more complete lab solution.
Сatalog number: 06.6070

Activated Self Reflushing Carbon Filters

For de-chlorination and removal of organic substances of water, use Thermo Scientific™ Activated Self Reflushing Carbon Filters.
Сatalog number: 04.1612

Analog 50 R ¾ in. Conductivity Meter

Record measurements for high purity water simply and reliably with Thermo Scientific™ Analog 50 R 3/4 in. Conductivity Meter.
Сatalog number: 4376600

Applied Biosystems and StepOnePlus™ Real-Time PCR System

Category: PCR System Brand: Applied Biosystems (ABI) Intended Use: -SNP Genotyping -Gene Expression Analysis -MicroRNA Expression -Protein Expression -Translocation Analysis -Gene Detection -Viral Load Analysis Catalog Number: 4376600

AutoMate Express™ Forensic DNA Extraction System

Category: Laboratory Equipment Brand: Applied Biosystems Intended Use: DNA Extraction Catalog Number: 4441763
Сatalog number: D5833

B-Pure™ Water Purification System

Customize the economical Thermo Scientific™ B-Pure™ laboratory-grade water system to meet your pretreatment or deionization application needs. The modular design provides the ability to add additional holders when the need arises. Choose from single, double or half-size holders. Easily change cartridges with the simple quarter turn quick release canisters.
Сatalog number: D0805

Bantam™ Deionizer

Customize the Thermo Scientific™ Bantam™ Deionizer to your specific application by selecting the appropriate cartridge. An ideal choice for an economical way to deionize water, this deionizer allows you to easily view resistivity directly from the unit.
Сatalog number: D5839

Barnstead™ 1/2 Size B-Pure™ Filter Holder

Produce up to 2L/min of laboratory-grade water the with economical Thermo Scientific™ Barnstead™ 1/2 Size B-Pure™ Filter Holder. Use these filter holders with Barnstead™ B-Pure™ 1/2 size filters to pre-treat feed water or for a final filter to help ensure consistently pure water.