Сatalog number: A44240CFR

iBright™ CL1500 Imaging System

Capture images and analyze data from western blots and gels efficiently and easily with the Invitrogen iBright CL1500 Imaging System.
Сatalog number: A44116

iBright™ CL750 Imaging System

Capture western blot and gel images and analyze data efficiently and easily with the Invitrogen iBright CL750 Imaging System. This
Сatalog number: A44241CFR

iBright™ FL1500 Imaging System

Capture images and analyze data from western blots and gels efficiently and easily with the Invitrogen iBright FL1500 Imaging System.
Сatalog number: A33829

iBright™ Imaging System Sample Stage/Turntable

The iBright Imaging System Sample Stage/Turntable is used for sample placement and auto-alignment in the iBright imaging systems (CL750, CL1000,
Сatalog number: A56597

iBright™ System Contrast Tray

This iBright System Contrast Tray is an iBright imaging system accessory designed to improve the imaging of visible protein gels
Сatalog number: A56600

iBright™ System Tray Adapter for E-Gel™ Agarose Gels

Invitrogen iBright Tray Adapters for E-Gel Agarose Gels are imaging accessories designed to optimize the image capture of Invitrogen E-Gel Agarose Gels.
Сatalog number: A45235

Thermal Printer for iBright Imaging Systems

The Sony UP-X898MD Digital Graphic Printer is a thermal printer that supports direct printing from iBright Imaging systems. Capable of