Showing 1–12 of 166 results

Сatalog number: 75005734

145 mL Bottle for TX-150 Rotor

Bottle directly fits into the TX-150 rotor
Сatalog number: TERRACORE5G

5G Terra Core Soil Sampler

Save time with this no fuss, no mess disposable transfer tool. Thermo Scientific™ 5G Terra Core Soil Sampler is a cost effective tool for soil sampling as described in USEPA SW-846 Method 5035. The Terra Core soil sampler delivers an approximate 5g sample quickly and conveniently into a 40mL VOA vial for in-field preservation. Vial threads stay free of debris and and volatile target analytes are better maintained by minimal exposure and handling than manual spatula methods.
Сatalog number: 130-005LP

Amber Glass Wide Mouth Bottle with Polypropylene Closure, 15 mL

Particle-Certified Glass Containers are tested and certified to meet low particle criteria. Bottles are assembled to contain as few as 5 particles per milliliter, > 0.5 μm.
Сatalog number: 345-4000

Boston Round Narrow-Mouth Amber Jugs with Closure

Collect water samples for a variety of organic and inorganic target analytes where light protection is required with Thermo Scientific™ Narrow-Mouth Boston Round Amber Glass Jugs. Designed for collecting water samples for a variety of organic and inorganic target analytes where light protection is required, these jugs are available
Сatalog number: A1098801

Bottle Weight

The new Gibco™ bottle has its own bottle weight for keeping order in the water bath! The bottle weight fits
Сatalog number: 503-0010

Color-coded Sample Alert Labels

Increase the safety and efficiency of sample handling and identification with Thermo Scientific™ Color-Coded Sample Alert Labels. Each label is color-coded with the chemical preservative type for quick reference and safe handling. Sticks securely to plastic or glass sample containers.
Сatalog number: 500TS

Custody Seals, 1 x 7 in.

Provide complete chain-of-custody and tamper evidence for samples from the point of collection to lab receipt. Thermo Scientific™ Custody Seal adhesive stickers securely seal your sample bottle and cannot be peeled off. The only way to open the sealed bottle is to break the paper label. Includes a writing area for custody signature and date for tamper-evident security. Apply at the point of sample collection, and ship samples to their destination with confidence.
Сatalog number: C20-04APF

Depyrogenated Glass Containers

Save on expensive capital equipment investments with ready-to-use glassware in a wide variety of sizes and configurations. Thermo Scientific™ Depyrogenated Glass Containers are specially prepared to meet endotoxin levels of less than 0.06 EU/mL for use in terminal sterilization, water sampling and product storage.
Сatalog number: 010-1496

Fiberlite 250mL Bottle

 Thermo Scientific™ 250mL Fiberlite Bottles combine a Nalgene bottle body with newly designed Fiberlite Cap Closure. These bottle will be available for Thermo Scientific™ Sorvall™ LYNX Superspeed and General Purpose Centrifuges.
Сatalog number: 010-1494

Fiberlite 500mL Bottle

Thermo Scientific™ 500mL Fiberlite Bottles combine a Nalgene bottle body with newly designed Fiberlite Cap Closure. These bottles will be available for Thermo Scientific™ Sorvall™ LYNX Superspeed
Сatalog number: 10339001

Gibco™ Bottle, 100 mL

The Gibco Bottle was designed to provide better ergonomic features, ease of use, and reduced chance of contamination. The compact