Сatalog number: 75003846

Buckets for Thermo Scientific™ HAEMAFlex™ Swinging Bucket Rotors

Thermo Scientific blood banking centrifuges offer the flexibility to select higher capacity rotors or match existing workflows, with a choice of Thermo Scientific™ HAEMAFlex™ rotors and bucket systems.
Сatalog number: 75005723

Buckets for Thermo Scientific™ M10 Microplate Swinging Bucket Rotor

Accessories for the Thermo Scientific™ M10 Microplate Swinging Bucket Rotor.
Сatalog number: 75008816

DualSpin Swinging Bucket for Medifuge Benchtop Centrifuge

Use these buckets with Medifuge Benchtop Centrifuge .
Сatalog number: 75003338

H-Flex HS4 Spare Bucket (Set/2)

Spare bucket for the H-Flex HS4 rotor
Сatalog number: 75003017

TX-1000 4 x 1000mL Swinging Bucket Rotor

Process 4L in a traditional 3L general purpose centrifuge footprint with the Thermo Scientific™ TX-1000 rotor. High-throughput capacities for processing more tubes in less runs saves time while reducing energy and wear. The rotor features Thermo Scientific™ Slide Coat™ finish, an advanced lubricant and corrosion resistant coating. Dual-purpose large bucket design accepts adapters for tubes or microplates. Save time: No need to swap buckets. Save space: No additional buckets to store. Save money: No additional buckets to purchase.