Showing 1–12 of 14 results

Сatalog number: 88882006

Digital Microplate Shakers

Stable and accurate microplate shaking with standard and enlarged platform that can shake maximum of six microplates at one run.
Сatalog number: 88882008

Digital Mini Rotators

Provides smooth, accurate and orbital mixing of various vessels in the lab
Сatalog number: 88882014

Digital Platform Rockers

The Thermo Scientific™ Digital Platform Rockers provide gentle motion for mixing samples. Designed for hybridization, blotting and staining or distaining gels.
Сatalog number: 88882002

Digital Rockers

Digital display with big platform, accurate speed control and quick angle adjustment for easy sample agitation
Сatalog number: 88882018

Digital Tube Rockers

The Thermo Scientific™ Digital Tube Rocker provides smooth agitation for mixing samples in test tubes. Designed for uniform specimen suspension with a compact footprint.
Сatalog number: 88882004

Digital Waving Rotators

360° orbital waving rotator for efficient sample mixing with accurate speed control and easy angle adjustment
Сatalog number: SHKE6000-8CE

MaxQ™ 6000 Incubated/Refrigerated Stackable Shakers

Save valuable lab space with Thermo Scientific™ MaxQ™ 6000 Incubated/Refrigerated Stackable Shakers, which offer sample storage and orbital shaking with intuitive, easy-to-use digital controls. These shakers save space by stacking units two-high on the floor. Use the adapter set (available separately) to tier two 18 x 18″ platforms to double shaking capacity.
Сatalog number: SHKE8000-8CE

MaxQ™ 8000 Incubated/Refrigerated Stackable Shakers

Save valuable lab space with Thermo Scientific™ MaxQ™ 8000 Incubated Stackable Shakers, designed to be stacked two to three high on the floor without sacrificing performance. These stackable shakers have the durability to run at top speed stacked three-high, contain a HEPA filter that ensures the air inside the chamber remains clean and reduces cross contamination, feature a slide out platform that provides convenient 100% sample access. The stacking kits are included with each unit at no additional cost.
Сatalog number: SHKE481HP

MaxQ™ HP Incubated and Refrigerated Console Shakers

Utilize Thermo Scientific™ MaxQ™ HP Incubated and Refrigerated Console Shakers for large 4L and 6L flasks. These shakers feature a foot pedal for hands-free operation for loading of samples and a large viewing window for viewing samples without disturbing the chamber atmosphere.
Сatalog number: SHKE416HP

MaxQ™ HP Tabletop Orbital Shaker

Operate the Thermo Scientific™ MaxQ™ HP Tabletop Orbital Shaker in reach-in incubators, environmental rooms or on lab benches. Our proprietary balancing technology and rugged mechanism make smooth, high-capacity, 24/7 shaking a reality. With an industry-leading platform size, this  CO2 Resistant Shaker features wide-range speed, low heat output motor and spill-resistant design.
Сatalog number: SK2001MPKG

Solaris 2000 I Small Incubated Benchtop Orbital Shaker

Thermo Scientific Solaris Incubated and Refrigerated Benchtop Shakers combine an ergonomic design with key feature enhancements like Peltier chillers, a sealed electronic system, programmable display, and an easy to clean platform design.
Сatalog number: SK2002MPKG

Solaris 2000 R Small Incubated and Refrigerated Benchtop Orbital Shaker

Thermo Scientific Solaris Incubated and Refrigerated Benchtop Shakers combine an ergonomic design with key feature enhancements like Peltier chillers, a sealed electronic system, programmable display, and an easy to clean platform design.